Sum Tymes I wanna Cry........

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

So they say

they say it's someone for everyone, even a wretch like me
they say it's someone for everyone, and if it's fate it means it was meant to be
they say it's someone for everyone, and i didn't believe it until i met thee

you took my breath away even though noone would have known i was about to suffocate
because i kept my cool cuz the last thing i wanted was to get all nervous with
sweaty palms and knots and ties or even butterflies in my stomach

you wanted to slow walk me and i wanted to techno dance,
i didn't have time to chacha slide or cupid shuffle cuz
i wanted to percolate and b-boy dance
i danced circles around you while you kept the beat to your waltz
i laughed and made fun of your laid back country ways
you laughed too, even when i called you lame

but then i guess enough was enough and you threw in your pieces to the game
you were tired of my running man getting in the way of your bop
who needed a broke primadonna when u could have someone who was okay with self
so you had the last laugh when you sent me to be by myself

i stood on the sidelines hoping you would ask me to cut in
When that didn't happen, i thought maybe he's saving my dance for the end
Saving the best for last, yeah that's what you'll do
At least I hoped you would save the last dance for me so I could show you
that I could keep the beat to your waltz and that i could new jersey hustle and even bootay call
i just wanted you to look my way and give me that melting smile
but instead when the music ended, you hadn't asked me back to dance
you just passed right by me, as if i wasn't even there

there say there is someone for everyone, even a superhero like me
they say there is someone for everyone, just wait and see
they say there is someone for everyone,
but what happens when your someone goes off with someone else

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This is Me

After 30 years I can finally say, this is me, take it or leave it, come hell or high waters, this is who i am going to be until I decide that I need to make some adjustments. So you changing me, naw, I doubt that is going to happen, unless I evaluate the situation after your speculations, and determine that yes, indeed, there i some room for improvement.
Am I perfect, far from it, but so are you, so how can imperfection perfect the same as them? they can't...that's why my motto is, "I can only control me and my actions, and I have enough sins that I need to atone for to be worrying about what's going on in someone else's house."
But that doesn't mean we can't learn, adapt, and change from what others have to offer. Accepting new information doesn't change the essence of what makes me, me

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when an angel breaks your heart

what do you do when it feels like it was sent from above, feeling better than sliced bread coming straight out the oven soaked in melted butter? what do you do when that love you had been looking for, praying for, turns around and walks out the door? what do you do when you have gone through every scenario, forward and backwards and forward again? what do you do when all the begging, pleading, crying, sighing, manipulating, hating still doesn't make them give in? what do you do when every time you are with them, your heart is missing beats only to flatline when their phone rings and they silence it or walk to the corner to take it? what do you do when you realize that the person you love so much that you would share a cardboard box with on a cold, windy day is simply "just not that into you." well, there is nothing for you to do but to pick up the pieces and move on because when your hearts get broken by an angel, there lies no fault. there's nothing like cheating, sneaking, lying, stealing,dealing involved in the equation, nothing that you can fixate your mind on to prove you were better off without the person because they were scum to begin with. so when an angel breaks your heart, you simply have to pray that another comes to fill the empty space left behind

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Are you the one?

Are you the one that is going to make me forget all about him? Are you the one that is going come running in on the wind? Are you the one that is going to rub my feet and massage my back when I am PMSing again? Are you the one that is going to leave his mama and stand by my side? Are you the one that is going to be my lover as well as my best friend? Are you the one who is secure enough to do his part and lead even if I am making more dividends? Are you the one who like Calgon has come to take me away? Well, if you are the one here is a list of my demands:
love God more than you do yourself
be my friend not just my man
respect me
love and cherish me everyday cuz another day is not guaranteed
ask do not assume, communication is not only the key but a big part of a strong foundation
make me feel important not just by your words but by your actions
forgive me (i am imperfect and used to getting what i want when i want because i have been supplying my own needs, so why would i have patience and not act like a brat?)
have faith that love can conquer all things.

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