imma bout to erupt
so i haven't had access in a minute and i am just livid....not just about that but about a lot of things so i am just gonna put them down here so i can come back and expound upon it if my soul is still disturbed.
that nigga done stiffed me for my papers. boy the devil wants to keep pushing my buttons and he doing a good job.. this fool may just get bodyslammed before it's all over. it's bad enough he pimping me, then he doing these bootleg things with my check like not signing them (haha joke was on him cuz i went around the corner and signed that badboy..sucka) then giving me a check on a closed account acting like he didnt' know.. um hmm really... you bets to be glad i am living a christian life cuz i wouldda busted the windows and slashed the tires think that homeless lady put in some work on your Benz...hmm not this negro flat out didn't pay me on time talking, um if i give it to you, you can't cash it..oh really? negro you give it to me, it will be cashed..didn't just pimp my behind for 2 wk? then yo' slim imma cash the bad boy.. so when he gives it to me he shorts me... yeah.. so now we gonna play those games.. hmm so i have now resolve to not only bill you for hours and not work them but imma leave your behind high and dry with no notice..
and then that other negro.. yeah some wounds will never heal.. i don't know why i bother
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