Sum Tymes I wanna Cry........

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

the comfort of an old friend

so today was Obama's big day and while i woke up ready for it to be over i was excited about one thing: my friend/sista was here from the Chi by way of Alabama and it was like finding your other favorite sock

i haven't seen her in a decade though we talk semi-annually on the phone. and it's just something about true friendship how you can literally be separated by the oceans for half a century but as soon as that distance/barrier is removed, things go on like you were never apart.

no uncomfortable silence... no awkard hello's .. no presenting your representative...none of that foolishness.

just a big ole scream and a tight hug and you all slip on into convo like yall have been talking everyday for the last decade or so.

true friendship in this day and age is rare like a perfectly polished if you have it, trust me when i tell you to hold on to it. it's nothing like having someone you can pour your soul out to, good, bad, ugly and not having to worry that the next day everybody and their mama will be talking about your bizness.

i guess that's why i have been trying my darnest to let my faithful ten know how much i appreciate them. how much i love them.. and how much i would miss them if i could never pick up a phone and talk to them...

so if you have someone out there that's dear to you that you haven't checked on in awhile, stop reading this and go do it. believe me, good convo with a good friend is better than chicken soup and hot choc on a -37 day in the Chi' any day.

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