Sum Tymes I wanna Cry........

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Because sometymes U gots to Vent for Otha folks

what do you mean, this is the last time i am going to throw it in your face?
NEGRO~ i will not only throw it in your face, put it in your face, slap it across your face and stamp it on your forehead, i may even get a shirt made... You'se trifling cuz you married! I asked you not once, not twice and not even thrice...I asked you a gazillion times if you were married to the chick living in your basement and you said, "NO" so why was it that when we got a knock at our door at some 3 in the morning you run out of our house leaving your phone, only to call me talking about "i gots something to tell you... I got married after we started dating." what in the ham sandwich do you think i am supposed to do and say?
um, nope i ain't telling you were i am going in this freak 'em dress on or what time i will be back cuz NEGRO YOU'SE MARRIED AND I WASN'T THE ONE YOU PUT THE RING ON!


now Negro, i was being nice to you the first time i let you live when you pissed in my bed while i way lying there.... i tried to tell myself that you were too drunk to know what you were doing.. even though it wasn't until i told you that i wasn't giving you none that you decided to whip your thang out and pee... and i do vaguely remember you saying that if i didn't give you none that you would pee on me..but i am gonna block that out and keep telling myself you were too drunk to control yourself...but now you trying to piss on my floor talking about you hate to do this...yeah well i hate to do this too but me grabbing your manhood and trying to rip it off is for your own good. see, if you don't have it not only won't you be able to piss on me, my floor or any of my belongings but you won't be able to continue cheating on me...which means that i won't reach my breaking point and reach over and break your neck sending me straight to jail without passing go... so yeah, i am trying to pull it off... aren't you trying to piss on my floor... and yeah i do know you are drunk but we can't keep giving you a free pass on that one...and another thing if you keep telling me how good the other girls are i am going to ask you which one was the best so i can know who to mail your stump to.... wouldn't want her to be to be disappointed ... just because you gonna have to do without it, doesn't mean she has too. YOU'SE SOME TRASH AND I CAN DO BAD ALL BY MYSELF...KICK ROCKS ELEPHANT TERDS!


oh, i'm sorry, what was that... oh, you were wondering what was going on because you hadn't heard from me in a month... and you were going to do what? if you hadn't heard from me in the next couple of days you were going to call sweet. negro puleeze... if you can't tell let me break it down for are no longer the apple of my eye so that bull jabber you spitting about how you were concern about me, you know that crap that used to make me melt, yeah, OVER why don't you continue spitting that to your new sucker cuz i am done being a lollipop for a lil boy... i specialize in grown men, and last time i check, you ain't one. yeah i know i told you you were one, but i lied; you ain't nothing but a good imitation of a man. just because it taste like butter doesn't make it butter and just because you look, smell and feel like a man, you 're not.. let me let you in on a lil secret, when you used to care and when you really were concerned, you didn't think about it, you were about called every day and now a month goes by and you like um, if i don't hear from her in a couple more days i am going to call.. smells like somebody needs their diaper change cuz it's full of number two and since i am as grown as the old oak tree in your front yard, it must be you.. better go see your mama so she can change that for you.. BOUNCE SUCKA UR KIND AIN'T WELCOME IN THESE PARTS N E MORE!


aww what's that? you miss your just want to know why you can't see your child? well last time i checked we just got into a recession which means you may have an excuse for not financially contributing to his well being now but what was your excuse all the other years? what's that? i'm sorry i can't understand the words coming out of your mouth, my ears are only able to decipher these words " i am a sorry good for nothing negro" and until you say those words any and everything you say will fall on death ears... you can see him when you pay for him.. um, yeah it's a cost to be a parent and last time i checked your grand total was zero... kinda ironic, eh, your total equals what you are A ZERO! now, be a sport and move, you blocking my sunlight.

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