What a difference a day Makes
So, I don't know if this is gonna be a long post or if I'm just going to double post. I know I have been m.i.a., but that hasn't been my fault, the other day when I came home, I raced to my computer cuz I had a lot I wanted to get off my chest, and to my dismay, my computer wouldn't connect, kept saying there was no dial tone. So after taping the modem cord into the wall with about a billion pieces of tape, it dawned on me to check and see if my phone was on, and low and behold, they had cut me off, again. Yeah, I know, I said I was going to be paying my bills on time, and I was BUT, there's only so many bills you can pay with a negative bank balance. But, I was able to use the money my aunt just sent me to pay my phone bill, cuz if I can't blog, that means I would have to start talking to strangers on the bus, and we surely don't want that.
On Monday I was going to tell you how I need to figure out how to add more hours to my day or clone myself, cuz I am running myself raggedy and I am becoming forgetful. And seeing that I am too, too young to be suffering from senility, it must be that I am doing too much and need to slow down. Let's see, I wake up, cleanse my body, brush my teeth, get dressed, get MY CHILD up, fight with him, wash him up, fight with him about what clothes he is going to wear, dress him, make his lunch, pack his lunch, have MY CHILD locate my keys while I locate my glasses, I open the window for the plants, we leave the house, I drive him to daycare, fight with him about which toy he can take outta the car to take to school, I drive myself to my parking location, I board the bus, I go to my intern job, I IM all day unless I am swamped with impossible assignments, I get off work, I walk to bus stop, I board bus, I pick up car, I go to daycare, get MY CHILD, make sure he has the toy he took with him that morning along with his lunch bag, i load him and his belongings in the car after he says bye to all 20 children still left at daycare, I go home, unload all of our stuff, carry him and all of our stuff up five flights of stairs, I turn on That's so Raven, start dinner, decide what I am going to cook the next day for dinner so that I can take it out of the freezer, I finish dinner, I fix My CHILD's plate, fight with him about why he cannot stand up and eat, when he is finish with dinner, I give him a bath, I put him to bed after we say our prayers, I eat, I then clean up MY CHILD's room and the bathroom, and wash dishes, then I start on the pile of mail and papers that seems like it is never gonna disappear, somewhere inbetween all of that, I fall asleep, when I wake up to go to the bathroom, I change into my pj's and go back to sleep, then when I wake up, it's time to do it all over again......
sooooooooooooooooooooo, I guess I could cut out the bathing and brushing my teeth, that could give me about 30 minutes to do something else.
Oh yeah, i forgot, so today (Monday) we were running late cuz I over slept and I dropped him off at daycare and parked my car to get on the bus only to realize that today was his field trip and not only was he looking like who shot john but I was supposed to have dropped him off at the train station, his class was riding the train to the aquarium. So I had to hop back into my car, race and collect him and his belongings from the daycare, race through traffic trying to get to the train station before 8:05, that's when his train departed. It was only 7:49 and I only had a 25 min ride...So I'm zipping and zooming and get there at 8:01, double park, jump out, grabbed the child, race into Union Station, run to the train platform, no kids in sight, ask someone, they tell me the kids got on a specific train, I run carrying My fifty pound child, his lunch and my purse, down the platform like a mad woman, only to discover not a child is on the train, run back to the guy and tell him, so he was like just stand here they bound to come by, so I run back inside, all the while fussing at My CHild for not reminding today was trip day (LOL) and for not wanting to walk and how he was going to just be the only kid at daycare if I didn't find his class, when I found them, then I had to drive back from downtown to park my car only to take a bus back downtown to work.... YEAH ME!!!! at least I didn't get a ticket or get my car towed
1 Your 2 Cents:
i know the feeling but i give u big kudos for makin the effect. single mothers who care we are true troopers. i trully can realate ur day. some time i feel so ragged after the day is done. but guess what? i have to do it all over the next day. just know ur not the only one out there.
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