Sum Tymes I wanna Cry........

Friday, May 26, 2006

Expose' of the STUMP (graphic in nature)


so I know peeps are like wdh? yeah, my point exactly.... so Thumper as you recall (once again, i'm to lazy to attach the link regarding his chirping episode well i was in a public place) likes to think he's quite the ladies man when it comes to his sex. And i ask you, wdh does he really think he is doing with this stump? I remember when i first received the email that contained this thing...I was like is he for real? where is the rest of it. I even told him in a nice "pc" way (shoutouts to Chubby) that he might want to send me another pic where he was totally hard...when he responded that he was, i told him to take it from a different angle. He was hot as hell! So was I the first time I experienced it. WDH?!?! I get more excitement from a pencil. (not that i've tried)

So what has caused me to expose this fool? the fact that i only have six dollars to my name and this fool won't send me the money he owes me. wants to respond that he knows i miss him. Miss what? never felt it dick for brains... then wants to call me a big baby when i don't respond and tell him that i do miss him. (lying's for kids and last time i check, i'm a grown a* woman!) (except when it comes to juicy...then im just mush) then he wants to start back Iming me when I could have sworn he was blocked, talking about don't you miss my dick...No, nig, you miss your dick!!!! Take that up with your pops or whomever else in your family ain't packing...Genetics is a trip.

Leave me alone unless you trying to pay me my money fool....don't nobody miss nothing you gots to offer!!!!

Note to the other bruhs suffering from L.M.S. (Little Meat Syndrome), don't be bragging how someone missing your lovin', cuz most likely they ain't even feeling your lovin....just be glad you gettin lovin from somewhere other than your hand and keep it moving!!!!! urg!!!

So that's my morning rant...tune in for this weekend cuz drama is unfolding... Luv's wife has been told where I live and she is making a guest appearance at my door... now if i get locked up...PIC my unc' will give you some money to bail me out...if not, just find MY CHILD and keep him until they release me...

Be Easy yall cuz it's crazy out here...

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8 Your 2 Cents:

At 3:00 PM, Blogger Ms.Behavin said...

Please tell me you PhotoShopped this pic!! Please tell me he didn't really send this pic to you!! Okay, he is really trippin'!! Somewhere along the way he heard that old adage "It's not the size of the ship, it's the motion of the ocean" and he believed it!!! LOL - what a sucka!!

At 10:17 PM, Blogger TRUTHZ said...

MsB--- I wish I could say I photoshopped that pic but then I would not be telling the truth and I pride myself on telling the truth...and he sent it to me twice...just in case I lost it.

At 10:46 PM, Blogger Ms.Behavin said...

It's a wonder you didn't lose it... it's mighty hard to keep up with such itty-bitty items!!

At 4:22 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The guy with the tiny penis must have been smoking crack to do something that tasteless.

At 9:49 AM, Blogger Prophetess said...

LOL at all y'all! Miss Truthz, that mofo oughtta be ashamed of hisself with that little bitty ass penis. I wouldn't show NOBODY that shit - if it was mine. LOL!!!

@Ruben: that mofo's penis must be on crack! Shriveled up like a mug!

Miss Truthz, you so bad, girl!

At 11:12 AM, Blogger Carmell said...

girl i thought that was someones big toe!

At 11:27 AM, Blogger said...

My comment didn't post last week.
I have never seen a dick that short. You know it is bad when you have to hold it in between 2 fingers.

At 9:28 PM, Blogger TRUTHZ said...

lmbo at " I thought it was a big toe" gurl and they want to stalk me saying that I know I want some more of that...some more of what...they say crack kills, it never said anything about shrinking penises. And I think the only reason he had to hold it with two fingers was cuz he had stretch it for the camera


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