Sum Tymes I wanna Cry........

Sunday, January 29, 2006

It's True, I'm an L 7

I remember clearly when I was in the seventh grade that my brother's best friend told me that I would never have to worry about being a nerd or a square because I was too crazy. Now some years later, I am realizing that he probably wasn't the best judge of character.

The realization started to hit me when I was reading others blogs, and I was like dang girl, you are a bit of a prude...but it all struck home the other day when some of my classmates were talking about their wild college days and high school years.

In highschool, we had peeps sneaking out at all types of the hour, getting drunk, high and going to wild orgy parties. Yeah, i snuck out once when i was in highschool... um, i was a senior in highschool, three weeks away from leaving for college. Never snuck a boy in my house. Didn't want to die an early death and neither did any of my male friends. Never had a desire to drink...seeing Hitler and his buddies get wasted on a regular and then going home and beating their wives and kids sort of turned me off. I remember the first time someone smoked weed around me...yeah i was eighteen and was in a hotel boyfriend at the time, the one who took all that time to sell a dime bag, thought if he got us a room that would guarantee that he would get some. he even thought that if he went down on me that it would put the icing on the cake. yeah, when he figured out that his balls were probably going to fall off if he was waiting for me, he called his boyz to the hotel for a puff puff pass session. they were on one side of the room and i was on the other breathing into a Mystic bottle praying i didn't get a contact high. My cos was on the phone laughing at me telling me i should hit it just to say i did. Once again, i had to decline cuz seeing that i was so close to leaving home and being free, i was not interested in Hitler killing me cuz i came home high. The most exciting thing i did in high school was probably cause an accident due to the silk boxers i was wearing outdoors while collecting money for Kiwanis.

Okay so we went on to college days and peeps told tells of how they broke curfew and snuck boys through windows and down fire escapes and hid under beds to go undetected by the RA. How they threw-up in water fountains and stayed blunted up for most of their college career. How they stole cars and went on joyrides cuz they were too high to care. How they passed out every other weekend due to the amount of liquor they had consumed. How they club hopped every thursday through sunday, sometimes not even stopping to change their clothes. Me, yeah, i snuck a dude up once and the security guard saw us on camera and came and knocked on my suite door. I had him standing in the shower while dude checked my room for him. But, it was Turkey day and most of our friends had went home, so we were just trying to eat and be merry with some peeps we cared about since we couldn't go home. It wasn't a bootay call sneak in. I did get caught by my boyfriend's mother, having sex in his room. That was really embarassing. Especially seeing that I would have to walk past her to exit their apartment. And the biggest thing i did was participate in the vending machine break- in that got my gurl's dorm on lockdown for 3 straight months and they installed cameras everywhere. And even this wasn't bad enough to make me a rebel according to my classmates.

So i guess it is time for me to admit the truth to myself...i live a dull and boring life....and yeah i am a SQUARE.

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6 Your 2 Cents:

At 9:07 AM, Blogger Carmell said...

awww girl i kicked in collage cause i didn't kick in high schools. so i made sure i had fun. plus it didn't help that we were in a small town in the middle of no where. we didn't have nothing to do but drink, get high, party, and have sex!!

At 12:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was pretty vanilla during high school because my parents are basically the B.D.S. ( Black Detective Squad). I couldn't even think about doing something wrong without getting caught. LOL

At 1:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you're L7 I guess I am too, cuz I've done even less stuff than you have...I've still never smoked anything, never snuck out of my parents house until I was in law school, never even broke into a vending machine! I guess that's why we spend our Saturday nights watching Robert Townsend's cheesy ass, lol.

At 9:16 PM, Blogger Chubby Chocolate said...

Ok I'm caught up. Where is this coming from?! Stop it! You're FAAAAR from being an L7..Don't get me started!

At 10:18 AM, Blogger said...

My Mom would always try to call me and L7. She would be like what kid do you know wants to sit in the bathtub reading a book on a saturday night???? ME!
Join the club.
Yeah Right! I eventually had a little bit of fun!

At 8:41 PM, Blogger TRUTHZ said...

Lol at Koolbreeze cuz that's typical the order sex follows, drinking get high partying...yeah, nothing else to do but have sex.

Ruben: my parents must have worked with your parents cuz they truly knew everything we did


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