It Just Aint So
Sorry for the delay, more computer problems and I have actually been studying this week, which is taking away from my blog time.
I have heard that the traits or qualities that you despise in others are traits that you have yourself possess and don't like. Now that I am GROWN and SEXY, I am wondering if there is any validity to this.
Hitler: mean, evil, stingy, liar, lazy, non-affectionate, dictator
Other: fake, boogie, dependent, liar, nosy, exaggerator, weak
User: user, liar, nasty, dependent, weak, liar (yeah, had to hit him up again for emphasis) selfish
Shell: too complacent
Columbine: evil
All Others: fake, boogie, liars, users, nosy, weak, evil for no reason, closed-minded, judgemental, ego-mantic
Now I turn the mirror on me and I am sorry but I am not a liar, in fact i think i am too honest at times. I have never been selfish and am just learning that I need to learn how to be a lil selfish for my own sanity. I can't keep giving freely of my resources if noone is replenishing me. I have NEVER been lazy. I have always up until the time my child was born, worked 2 and three jobs while going to to school full-time. The only person I could ever be called being fake with would have to be myself when I refuse to believe that all the issues that I have blogged about thusfar, have been affecting me. Nosy, hah, I'm probably the most private individual you would ever meet, hence why i am in the witness protection program.
So, I think that stuff people say about you not liking people who display traits that you don't like about yourself is a bunch of horse crap. I don't like people who have traits I don't like and don't ever want to foster.
I never want to be the person who cannot or will not step outside of their box or comfort zone when it involves something serious. A real social concern (anonymous, me not telling my crush i like them does not count as a social concern)
It's a lot going on right now and as soon as I get my computer acting right, I will get you up to speed cuz a girl needs some advice.
1 Your 2 Cents:
I think our choices change with time and growth. I love my hubby to death and we are the opposites but the same (if that makes any sense.) I mean it is all about you!
Hope you get your computer up! I am ready to hear the story!
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