Sum Tymes I wanna Cry........

Thursday, December 08, 2005

Maybe one of the hardest things i will have to do....

So seeing that I am really serious about things never going to where they were with LUV, I have to make some changes in my life that i am not sure i am ready for.....

I have to let my son go places with him without me. This is so scary for me because my son is all i have and i am all that he has in a way. Yeah he has my adopted family here, and even though they have him as their beneficiary on some of their policies, he is not their blood and sometimes when the biological grandchildren come around, he gets slighted. i don't think they mean to, but you know how it is. if my son was on the floor hurt and their bio grandchild was lying on the floor hurt, they are going to grab their blood first. and i guess that's the way it is supposed to be.

then there is my bio "Other" and Hitler. Other loves my son to death as long as my sibling kids aren't there. then i have to come and get my child. and Hitler, he ain't too stable and probably won't be as long as he continues to hit that bottle every day.

then there are my girls who loves their brother to death...and might actually cause him some serious harm because of this. there has been countless occasions that i have caught them giving him something he is allergic to, that they know he is allergic to, simply because he said, "please, can i have it." when i ask why would they give him something that they know he can't have, they say, " cuz he looked so sad and sounded so cute...and it was just a little, not a lot."

so like i said, i am all he has that is really looking out for him and his future. now seeing that my child was born into a weird situation, being born with a step-mom is crazy. esp, seeing that she is crazy. she has beaten up all of Luv's kids except for the one she had with him. he has stood by and watched on most occasions saying that he didn't want to get involved because he didn't want to pick sides. so you see my dilemma? if this heafa touches a hair on my child the wrong way, i am going to jail. and i am going to be doing some serious time. which means that before i can let his father take him out on outings, i need to make sure all the paperwork of who i want to get my child if something happens to me is in order.

now, i have expressed to Luv that i don't want him taking MY CHILD around his wife. that's right, my child. i take care of him. i am at the hospital staying up with no sleep watching him....i go without when he needs something.... i am investing for his future and instilling the proper things in his that makes him MY CHILD!!!! but, if i am not around, who's to say. and even if he doesn't, there is still the fact that LUV only aced the "thug" part of my "eduthug" dream guy. which is why when we planned to have MY CHILD that we agreed that I would have sole control over my child's future. now since his wife knows about MY CHILD, he wants to switch the script and i am not having it. BUT, i do know that it is important for him to have a relationship with MY SON just as it is important for us not to have one.

so as i said...this is probably going to be the hardest thing that i will have to do, but, i am going to do it. Just as soon as i get my bail money together...................

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8 Your 2 Cents:

At 2:15 PM, Blogger Blessed Brilliant said...

First, jail time is not an option under any case... regardless.

Now your real dilemma will become the mannerism and discipline of your child. If you child remains respectful and obedient then there shouldn't be a problem. Explain to him that while she is not his parent she is an adult and therefore she is in charge... next LUV and you need to set rules on rules of engagement for discipline. Final, you explain to LUV that he is the only one to administer it and she is to allow that as the only course of action.

However, if she should step out of line she gets ONE warning... and you have LUV deliever it. If she does it again, break her hand. (left hand or wrist so that she can still work)...

I use to worry about the same thing until my ex stopped seeing the girls as often... but should a similar situation occur - then I too will be having the same talk.

Again, jail is not an option - but you can maime her... no weapons, no knives or screwdrivers... an assault and battery charge for women can be dismissed if you explain your case with just a probabtion and restraining order...

At 3:02 PM, Blogger Blah Blah Blah said...

I will have to come back and comment on this at another time...

DAMN Truthz...your words/post is just to strong for me at times.... I am weak.

Like Chubs said....I see you working it out as you write/think/act.

Jail time is unacceptable on every level...then who would have little mans back?

At 6:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Like I tell you every day, you know I'll always alibi you. Just call me immediately... ;-) And since I just agreed to participate in possibly illegal action, I'm not gonna put my name, but u know who i'm iz...

At 7:08 PM, Blogger Haley said...

Aww..sorry I haven't been keeping up..with anyone's blogs lately. But yours sounds quite interesting. i think i'm going to invest some time into this here blog.. Sounds like you need some advice..and I don't call myself Dr. Phil for nothin'.

It's good, to allow YOUR child to see his dad..regardless. (and he would be safe..and all that...) It's his dad..and it is HUGE of you to allow him to see him.. I think I would feel the exact same way if I was in a similar situation.

As for .. life and changing. Man, I don't know how it is done..but one day...wHAM! You've done it.. You've lived through it..

I like to keep a positive attitude. Even if I sound hippy dippy I don't care... Stay positive..and see what good can come out of it..and strive for that.. I know that sounds preachy..and lame, but it's been workin'..


At 11:18 AM, Blogger Knockout Zed said...

I come by everyday. Most of the time I don't know what to write. That's still the case, but I wanted you to know that this is still the realest place in the Blogworld.


At 7:25 PM, Blogger nikki said...

ditto what zed said. i'm here everyday, too. all i can do half the time is just read and wipe my own tears away.

At 6:33 PM, Blogger Jen said...

Okay, it IS a dilemma. But with the strength you have demonstrated through your words, you can handle it! My kids stepmom is a real piece of work too. She is about 7 years older than my oldest son who is 14 and she engages him in power struggles and arguements and it's just like listening to two siblings fight. It's ridiculous but their dad always takes her side no matter what. Hey, I'm not to far either, so if you need something, don't hesitate to ask!!! ***Jen***

At 3:50 AM, Blogger TRUTHZ said...

i will clarify some things later...not tonight cuz a sistah been on here for five hours catching up...
thanks guys for letting me know you are there even when you don't comment...makes me feel loved.
esp you KZ i thought you had found something to do in SA (lol) besides read my blog.


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